
Me encargo de tratar de las enfermedades en la laringe o garganta; puedo ayudarte a resolver los problemas de tu voice. breathing. swallowing. 

Most common  diseases 

affecting the larynx 

Swelling of the throat or larynx (laryngitis)

Caused by irritants (such as stomach acid reflux or medications), and viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.
Difficulty or pain when swallowing (Dysphagia)

This can cause the inability to swallow food from liquids to solids, and even saliva causing the patient to not get adequate nutrition or suffer from dehydration.
Muscle tension

Bad habits or bad use of the voice can cause the incorrect use of the muscles of the throat, causing pain, inability to carry on a conversation and changes in the tone of voice.
Acid reflux into the throat

It occurs when stomach acid rises into the throat during the day or night. Acid that irritates the throat is commonly not noticed, until it causes one of the following symptoms: voice disturbances, cough, itchy or 'runny' sensation in the throat, difficulty / pain swallowing.

If you have any of these ailments  don't worry, 

yo puedo ayudarte. 

Muscle tension

Bad habits or bad use of the voice can cause the use wrong throat muscles, causing pain, inability to hold a conversation and changes in tone of voice.

Throat swelling
or larynx (laryngitis)

Caused by irritants (such as reflux stomach acid or medications), and viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.

Difficulty or pain when swallowing (Dysphagia)

This can cause the inability to swallow. food from liquid to solid, and even saliva causing the patient not to get proper nutrition or suffer from dehydration.

Acid reflux into the throat

It happens when stomach acid rises into the throat during the day or night. Acid that irritates the throat is commonly not perceived, until it causes one of the following symptoms: voice disturbances, cough, itching, or 'mucus' in the throat, sudden choking episodes or difficulty / pain to swallow.

If you have any of these ailments  don't worry, 

yo puedo ayudarte.

If you have any of these ailments
don't worry , yo puedo ayudarte.

Agenda una cita para que pueda revisarte
y ofrecerte el mejor tratamiento.

Schedule an appointment

  What to expect when attending
  with a

Don't be afraid, the first consultation includes an interrogation, a physical examination, as well as a special examination to see the throat and in this way to be able to diagnose and treat your discomfort.

  What to expect when attending
  with a

Don't be afraid, the first consultation includes an interrogation, a physical examination, as well as a special examination to see the throat and in this way to be able to diagnose and treat your discomfort.

Learn more about topics related to laryngology, remember that  this information 

does not replace a specialist's diagnosis

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