Problems / diseases treated by an Otolaryngologist and Head and Neck Surgeon

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What is Otolaryngology?

Otolaryngology is a medical specialty that treats ear problems,
nose or throat.

This includes:

Ear problems:

- Hearing problems
- Ear infections
- Dizziness or vertigo
- Ringing in the ears
- Facial paralysis or inability to move the face

Nose problems:

- Allergies.
- Inability to smell
- Infection of the nose or paranasal sinuses
- Inability to smell

Throat problems:

- Infections in the mouth, throat or tonsils
- Infections in the mouth, throat or tonsils
- Cough

Surgical Resolution Pathologies

- Tumors or lesions in the mouth, throat or neck.
- Reflux of acid in the stomach to the throat.
- Hit or fracture of a bone in the face or nose.
- Cosmetic procedures (Botox, fillers or anti-aging therapy)
- Plastic or reconstructive surgery (eyelids, face lift, nose and face)
- Hoarseness or interruption of breathing when sleeping.

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